Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sepultura 'Chaos AD'

Track listing:
Slave New World
Biotech Is Godzilla
We Who Are Not as Others
The Hunt
Clenched Fist

Wow talk about a musical life changer. This album litterally turned me from a Kirk Hammet wanna be into a Andreas Kisser worshiping nerd. From beginning to end this album absolutely destroyed everything that was out at the time, and from the sound of bands like Hatebreed, Earth Crisis, and the like this album in my opinion created the style of music that I would spend the better part of my teenage and adult life thus far trying to emulate. The combination of slower guitars, and political lyrics coupled with tribal drumming and insane breakdowns makes this one of my top two metal or hardcore albums of all time. My favorite song on the record was undoubtedly "Nomad" unfortunately they never made a video for this song that I can remember, but I do remember being young as hell and staying up late as shit to watch the propaganda and territory videos on headbangers ball (short haired Ricky
rachtman days). The tone that Andreas pulls off on the solos is a sound that I have never heard before or since, but gives the record a vine that is just unmatched. I seriously can't sing the praises of this album enough and if they still made metal like this (instead of the total garbage can't figure out if its death metal or some wierdo effeminate version of hardcore crap that is coming out on a regular now) then I would still be at every show, horns in the air screaming every word and shoulder bumping along with all the other grits with their battle axe, spencers bought earings and death dealer all over print shirts, and ripped up jeans, tryin to grow our hair long, but still have the hair wings like I was when this album came out. While the album after this "roots" had some good songs they were definitely trying to go the way of the while nu metal thing even though most people to
this day won't admit it. Everything past that was and is total garbage including soulfly, sepulotherguy, and even most of the songs on the cavalera conspiracy. None of them stand up to the absolute sheer brutality and dominance of this record, and I highly doubt we will ever see it again. So alas I will be forver relugated to rehashing it in my mind while I crank the IPOd and blast this record from my car as loud as I possibly can.

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