Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Civil Rights and everything nice!

Well today as I stand here pondering the state of our nation I am very disheartened to see the complete apathy with which the majority of people in this nation are living. We all have sat back and done nothing while people who do not have our best interests in mind destroy our country from the inside out. They have systematically destroyed the once proud and honerable nation that we all love, but have kept in tact the belief amongst us common folk that we are still that very Nation. Since the early days of the industrial revolution our country has been slowly being turned into an oppressive regime, however I believe the early changes in the system were made by men who truly believed they were helping the country and its people. I believe the naivete that they showed in opening up the doors for corruption and increased control has let loose the flood gates in which the more modern era
has increased the speed with which it has headed toward complete collapse of freedom. Now this might sound like a bunch of nonsense political ranting, but it has its purpose and motive I promise. I am forever reading and witnessing and may even be taking part in the biker community, and if anyone has been following what is going on in that sub culture as of late then they have probably witnessed an exteme amount of absolute civil rights violations being done by our fine government on any and all motorcycle clubs that they can. Now I know what some of you must be thinking, "who cares their criminals, I saw it on the history channel." yeah yeah yeah I'm sure That the history channel and shows like Sons of Anarchy are perfectly accurate portrayals of motorcycle club life, however no matter what you believe these clubs to be doing it certainly is not all clubs or all members of clubs, and
what is done to the least of us is done to all of us. What would be the reaction if you went to your locally owned grocery one day and it was boarded up? Not only was it boarded up, but there was a sign from the police on the front saying this property, buisness, goods, and profits are all now property of the U.S government? Then you find out that the senior citizen owners who watched you grow up your entire life along with every other employee is now locked in federal prison, and their income is now gone so that means their homes are gone, their families have been taken from them, all their stuff has been siezed as well? Then after that you find out their doors were all kicked in at dawn by stormtrooper ss style shock troops with lazer sights pointed at every man, woman, child, and pet in the home and their entire home and their belongings were destroyed in front of their very eyes?
Then as if all that wasn't enough you find out that the grocery has been deemed a criminal enterprise because two of the emloyees stole a couple cars and got into a bar fight the weekend before. How would you feel about all that? Well that is exactly what is happening at this moment to one motorcycle club in this country right now. This club had not only their personal bought and paid for legally property stolen, the intellectual right to their logo and name were siezed by federal agents. I'm sorry folks but this is not freedom...

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