Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Another day another radar dish

Well here we are setting a radar dish at an unlisted Military installation in the middle of no where. At an exorbitant cost to the United States Government. Oh well what the hell do you do. There aren't enough jobs, people are losing their homes, yet government, military, and police are only getting stronger and more powerful. The city in which I reside has potholes and traffic jams so bad it takes forever to get anywhere and yet they can add 6 new radar dishes like this which I am sure are not to inexpensive into a sea of how ever many radars I am surrounded by right now. Not to mention the cost of the crew and contractors it takes to install, and transport these things. Or what about the fact that not only can that crane pick up the radar, but it can pick up the one next to it from the same spot, but because of the insane safety regulations that are requiring the crane to not exceed
60% of its capabilities we have to break down and move 10 feet over to pick up the next one. Which will cost the government close to 5 hours of crane time, drivers to transport the loads and man hours just to move it ten feet. the radar weighs 61,000lbs and the crane is good for 97,000 lbs where it is sitting and they say that is not safe enough. At what point does safety become such a hinderance on production that it is not worth doing. Then I hear on the news that manufacturing has been moved because it is cheaper and the American worker wants to much. That's ridiculous the beuracrats have destroyed manufacturing in this country and the corporations have put greed over their own people. It would seem to me that our priorities were off.

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