Saturday, March 27, 2010

All Out War - For those who were crucified

This album was huge to me. At the time it came out I had been into hardcore and metal for quite some time, and I really like the first record "Truth in the age of lies". I was constantly on the hunt for bands that really impressed me, and I knew that All Out War would not let me down. A lot of people were hating on Victory Records at the time, but you couldn't deny the recording quality that they were putting out, and I knew that with that kind of production All Out War would be amazing. They redid A few tracks from "truth in the age of lies" but there were enough new songs to make it a completely independent record. Every single review I have seen about this band says they are a mixture of the Cro Mags and Slayer and I don't know it that is because that was what it said in the press kit that victory sent out or what, but I don't see it at all. All out War to me have always had their own sound it is very metal influenced with bits and pieces of hardcore thrown in, but the focus is totally on the vocals for me. Most bands in this genre are climactic only during the breakdown and most people just sit around and wait for that to kick in but not All Out War you can literally dance to just about every second of this record. The Vocals I mentioned before are high pitched and tortured but not in the cliche' black metal wanna be screech that every jack off band in the world after them started doing. Mike Score is hands down one of the best metal/hardcore vocalists of all time. The Re Recording of "redemption for the innocent" just took an amazing song and made it better, and to this day I still can't stop screaming All Out War when the breakdown does kick in.

first post

Well, i have always wanted to do a zine or an online zine or some other random compilation of my thoughts for others to read, and hate on. So here it is the most cost effective way for me to vent my shit for everyone or no one and their mothers to read this. I am going to start this off by reviewing old stuff that has had an impact on me and or my life in some way shape or form so here it goes.